Thursday, May 19, 2011

Oh, My Word!!

I may have addressed this topic before but it bears repeating.  My newest addiction, since Christmas when I got my I pad, is WORDS WITH FRIENDS.  It’s a scrabble-like game app with a slightly different board layout than scrabble.  It is both fun and aggravating.  A couple months ago I was watching a Dr. Oz show and he talked about your wenis, the skin that often is dried out looking on your elbows.  He mentioned in the show it is also a great scrabble word and I have been patiently waiting to use it ever since.  Last night, after 5 ½  months of trying I had my chance.  Imagine my anticipation to drop a N I S under a W E, utilizing a triple word square to boot.  I could hardly wait to see my score.  But could this be??? It would not accept it as a word!!!  Boy do I have an ax to grind with the people at WORDS WITH FRIENDS.  There is just no accounting for their random vocabulary.  Once while desperately trying to make a word with my remaining tiles and the availability on the board I made a very horrible word....I come up with all kinds of combinations while desperate and I automatically press “play” hoping it accepts these words I’ve never heard of and occasionally it does.  This time it accepted this horrible word which I will not name because this is a family blog.  I immediately had to call my friend Susan and apologize.  I was really quite horrified and until the game is over there is that word staring at you.   Juxtapose that to a legitimate body part name that is not accepted and you have an idea of my utter consternation.

Another things that bothers me is it’s not so much about your vocabulary as it is tile placement.  I love words and I like to come up with unusual ones but most of the words I use in the game are pretty common 4-5 letter words.  Both my nieces, however, come up with some doozies.  Recently one played “VROUW”’s a Dutch title for married women.  The other used “SQUEG” electronic circuit component.  Okay, for reals, how many of you knew that????

P.S.  My spellcheck didn’t recognize “wenis” either.


  1. I'm still laughing about that particular game! Yeah, I suspect it is youngsters who are creating these games. Wenis .... I kind of like that word!

  2. I KNOW, RIGHT???? It's just an all around fun word.

  3. utter consternation? who talks that way???

  4. hahah Oh Barb......I talk like that in my head, just not aloud.

  5. I'm with you...I'd be addicted to WWF if I didn't work most days, although early in the mornings and evenings I play with my Son who's working for a several months in's challenging and at the same time fun ~ as a transcriptionists who woulda thunk - haha! Have a great Sunday my friend!!!
