I figured it was time for another post even if I didn’t have something compelling to write about.
Isn’t this the coolest idea??? (herb garden)
Chris just got over a particularly horrible summer cold. It really laid him up for a few days. It started as a sore throat and then went into his head and then developed into a nasty cough. He spent all day Sunday in bed. He is the biggest baby ever when he’s sick so he usually holes up in the bedroom and doesn’t come out. I would stick my head in and ask him if he needed a popsicle or soup and I’d get a grunt in return that apparently meant ‘No’. His appetite is the first thing that goes when he’s sick and he literally did not eat for three days. He’s back to his usual tricks now (i.e., driving me nuts) so I know he’s on the mend.
A friend of mine started a photo scavenger hunt for the month of June. She has a lists prompts for each day and we post a picture that illustrates her prompt. It’s been great fun! I didn’t think I would be interested but day one was “a favorite thing” so of course, I had to post a photo of my cats and then the second day was “something pink” so I posted a picture of some bergenia I had blooming and then, one thing has led to another and almost everyday since I’ve found something to post.
The mosquitos have been fierce here lately!! I don’t remember them being so bad. In the evenings when I’ve been out working in the yard they have been vicious. In the house too. We have hole in our screen door where Timmy scratched his way out so that has been a problem. I keep suggesting we get a new one but Chris says he’ll just do it again. But we’d have 5-6 years before there’d be holes, I say. Honestly, with that kind of logic we’d never get anything new.
I’ve started a new series of books. There are four altogether, the first one is A Million Tears by Paul Henke. Such a great book. It’s an epic saga of a family from a small Welsh town that immigrates to America in the late 1800’s. Now I’m on Tears of War and Peace, and then Silent Tears ending with Tears Until Dawn. That should take me through the summer. Although sandwiched in I’m reading a depression era novel called Face the Winter Naked, (Bonnie Turner).
On the job front I am FINALLY being flexed from a Grant Administrator I to a GA II. It’s been a long process, I was first told I need to pass an oral test to flex. So I took the test and passed and then I was told I needed to do a formal solicitation for professional services so that was completed a few months ago and then I was told I needed to do an informal solicitation so now that’s done. I addition to my leasing duties I have to manage 10-15 contracts too, so I will be busy. It hasn’t actually happened YET but I’m told next week. It’s a 3 range bump so it will be a nice pay raise. Of course, it’s all going into deferred comp to help pad the old retirement fund, should that ever come to pass!
Okay, I’m sure I have captivated my readership for long enough with the exciting details of summer, 2013. To quote a favorite blogger of mine, Carry On Warriors!
For "nothing compelling to write about", you had me at stellar weather!!! Sounds like good things are happening for you ... I am sooo happy for you Kathy!!! I'm sure if they (the State) told you all the things you needed to do to move up, it would have seemed like too much but you've nailed every requirement. Good on you!!!!! Retirement will come sooner than you think. Love this post!!! Write on, sista!!